Product Roadmap Is Not Product Strategy

Fareed Huda
5 min readSep 8, 2021


This article was originally posted on the Bottle Rocket blog:

A product roadmap is one of the most critical artifacts that product managers create and own. It’s what it says on the tin — an outline of all the necessary steps on the road to achieving a specific end goal or objective. Roadmaps contain a list of product features, enhancements, or campaigns that will drive the product’s evolution. Teams use them to remain on track and meet short- and medium- term product goals, while giving stakeholders oversight to communicate progression.

While roadmaps are undoubtedly important, a common confusion amongst product teams is to mistake a roadmap for a product strategy. A strategy is much more high-level and long-term, honing-in on what the product hopes to achieve in the wider business context. It takes company objectives into account, and defines each activity needed to be completed to ensure those objectives are met. Everyone involved is aligned to maintain a well-oiled machine.

To eliminate blurred lines, let’s clear up what makes product roadmaps different to product strategies, and think about the steps product managers should take in building a successful, coherent product roadmap.

Product Roadmaps Are…



Fareed Huda

A product management professional building digital experiences that connect customers with brands.